Septic Installers and Cleaners Insurance from Massachusetts Specialists
What is Septic Installers and Cleaners Insurance?
Servicing septic systems comes with certain risks, including both liability and property perils. Septic installers and cleaners insurance helps shield Massachusetts businesses in this line of work from many of the risks they face.
Septic installers and cleaners insurance policies are specialized commercial policies that uniquely meet the needs of businesses that service septic systems. Because these businesses face multiple risks, most policies are package policies that have several converges bundled together.
What Massachusetts Businesses Should Have Septic Installers and Cleaners Coverage?
Most Massachusetts businesses that service septic systems should probably consider purchasing this type of insurance policy. Forgoing insurance leaves almost any business at risk, and septic installers and cleaners policies are normally the best type of commercial policies for septic servicers.
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What Coverages Can Businesses Get Through Septic Installers and Cleaners Policies?
As mentioned, most of these insurance policies come with multiple coverages that are bundled together. Businesses can usually choose from standard and optional protections, and many policies offer a variety to choose from. Some of the more commonly offered coverages are:
- General Liability Coverage, which may insure against some common accidents and lawsuits
- Professional Liability Coverage, which may insure against work errors that employees make
- Umbrella Liability Coverage, which may insure against major lawsuits that exceed primary coverages’ limits
- Commercial Auto Coverage, which may insure company-owned trucks and vans
- Commercial Property Coverage, which may insure company-owned facilities and equipment
- Inland Marine Coverage, which may insure equipment when it’s transported
- Business Income Coverage, which may insure against prolonged revenue losses arising from disasters
Still more insurance coverages may be available through these policies. An insurance agent who’s familiar with this type of insurance can help businesses select the coverages that are right for their situation.
How Can Septic Servicers Procure Workers Compensation?
Workers compensation is required by state law in most situations where a business has employees. The coverage generally extends protection to workplace injuries and illnesses, which a business might otherwise be sued over. Thus, most septic servicers are legally required to carry workers compensation and would be largely unprotected against workplace injuries without it.
Septic servicers may obtain workers compensation within their septic installers and cleaners policy or through a separate policy. Whether the coverage is purchased as part of the package policy or separately depends on whether the package policy offers it and whether a better rate is available through a stand-alone option. An insurance agent can help compare workers compensation options to make sure businesses get the coverage they need at a competitive rate.

The Feingold Companies
Worcester Office
446 Main Street, Suite 1403
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 831-9500
Fax: (508) 797-4030
New Lakeside & Dudley Insurance
446 Main Street, Suite 1403,
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 943-0090
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