Proudly Providing Inland Marine Insurance to Residents in Massachusetts & 25 Other States Across the Nation
In business, you must often transport your equipment, products, or other items to a job site, convention, or other area. This comes with a variety of risks, both in transit and storage, which can mean unexpected costs for your business. Whenever your property leaves your business premises, your commercial property insurance only provides limited coverage. For items on the road or in temporary storage in Worcester, inland marine insurance can provide the necessary coverage against damages and losses.

Worcester Inland Marine Insurance
The marine insurance industry came about due to the risk of extensive loss and damages that business owners took when shipping items across the sea. When land transport became commonplace, this insurance broadened to include inland marine coverage for items being transported across land. Much like its predecessor, it is designed to cover the wide range of damage and losses that can occur when you’re shipping items to another location. If your company regularly ships or stores items outside of your business premises, an inland marine policy can provide important financial protections.
Limitations of Other Worcester Insurance Policies
While most businesses typically have commercial property insurance coverage, these policies are often too limited to fully cover your property when it leaves your business premises. Most only offer a percentage of your policy limits for items, including electronics, tools, and other equipment, once you take them out of the building. For companies that regularly take their items on the go, or store them on a job site, such as contractors, this can leave you with dangerous gaps in your coverage.
Massachusetts auto insurance also places limitations on what it will cover for items stolen from your vehicle or damaged in an accident. Any business that transports business materials by automobile should understand how much coverage their policy offers.

The Feingold Companies
Worcester Office
446 Main Street, Suite 1403
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 831-9500
Fax: (508) 797-4030
New Lakeside & Dudley Insurance
446 Main Street, Suite 1403,
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 943-0090
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